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Lin Onetwo

A member registered Dec 31, 2018

Recent community posts

Try save the HTML of this site?

You need to click on a emoji button, it is said in the welcome text.

Desktop version works great, give it a try and support author.

One example is

Hi, I bought the game to support you. But I feel the story mode is too slow pieced, and sometimes with pink color that might hurt eyes if stay too long (still related to slow pieced progress). Hope in early stage of story mode, user can interact to boost the progress, thanks.

discord 服务器里,有分享服装代码的频道,黏贴代码进去应用可以cos芙莉莲

(2 edits)

Look at this channel I download some zip mods there.

I put .zip files in the Mods folder of desktop app, when loaded the game, it say Mods loaded, and they are working.

@Ada18980 you can use react native webview, with expo, see

I think the enemy need a portrait (like bondage club) to make this fun. Also dp system like player to give feedback.

@Ada18980 Thanks for the Mac release, but the app crash on open. (I already allow it run)

Referenced from: <4C4C44B9-5555-3144-A181-AF2DA1613520> /Applications/

Reason: tried: '/Applications/ Framework.framework/Electron Framework' (not a mach-o file), '/Applications/ Framework.framework/Electron Framework' (not a mach-o file)

(terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)

I'm on intel mac, and I download the mac64 version.

But don't need to waste too much time on this, I'm more looking forward to new Boss and story!

Oh, you are using nw.js, I mistook it for Electron. 
nw.js is somehow lack of community support, it may be a bit harder (take more time) to support this. No hurry, I have a windows PC, and now I'm playing it on Windows primarily.

Hi can you release a macOS desktop app for it? If you need help with electron, please contact me via email, my github is and my electron based app experience can be proved by

Will there be unlimited map just like factorio?